About Us

*Snap* *Crackle* *Fizz* …*BAMF*

Oh hello there! Sorry we didn’t notice you at first, we were just working on our latest edible experiment. Here at Methods of a Madwoman, Inc., Chef Kate is always coming up with new and different ideas for delicious treats to serve on the truck, and it’s our job to test them out first.

Who’s Chef Kate? Oh my, well, she’s one part mad scientist, one part beguiling sorceress and…you know what? We’ll just take it from the top.

Methods of a Madwoman is owned and operated by executive chef Katlyn Abate, who has been tinkering in the kitchen ever since she was a little girl, where she spent countless hours trying to imitate whatever magic it was that her grandmother worked on the stove to make everything taste so good.

Now she’s all grown up, and with over 10 years of professional cooking under her belt, she’s set out to bring her unique blend of food science and inherited mystical intuition to hungry patrons everywhere. Having worked under culinary masters at five-star restaurants like the Ocean House and cut her teeth as an executive chef in the sweltering kitchen of the Charlestown Rathskeller, her elclectic delectable edible concoctions combine all the culinary perfection you’d expect to find at an upscale dining room in a mansion with the all-go, no-quit comfort food from your local pub.

So when you come to the Methods food truck, you get to experience what a top-tier chef can do when left to her own devices in her very own rolling food lab.

Now we really do have to get back to work though, so feel free to have a look around at our menu and where we’ll be next! Or if you want to have us at your event, you can contact us here! Happy Eating!